Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube.
In this dense and fascinating discussion, James Tunney adroitly makes the case for the dangers of post-humanism, its foundations and origins, thus advocating for a much needed spiritual evolution. James is joining us from his home in Sweden, under John Dee’s watchful eye, to gift us with a glimpse inside his perennialist mind.
James Tunney left a career in law to explore art and spirituality. He now concentrates on explaining or advocating for spiritual evolution in the face of an attack on humanity itself not least by technology.
To find out about all of James’ work:
- John Dee’s Monas Hieroglyphica
- The t-shirt I was wearing during the Foolish Fish episode
- James Tunney, links to all interviews
- Günther Anders, the Promethean Shame
- Lewis Mumford, the Megamachine
- Ivan Illich, Tools For Conviviality
- Jacques Ellul
- Bernard Charbonneau
- JD Bernal, The World, the Flesh and the Devil
- Thomas Henry Huxley, Agnosticism
- T.H. Huxley’s X Club
- Francis Bacon’s essay Of Plantation
- Debashish Banerji on Posthumanism
- Douglas Batchelor HCP interview
- Foolish Fish HCP interview
- Our Lady of La Salette (a Marian Apparition)
- James Tunney, The Mystical Accord
- James Tunney, Plantation of the Automatons
- Dylan Thomas, The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
- Frank and Seán O’Meara, Grace
- CS Lewis, Till We Have Faces
0:00:00 INTRO
0:08:56 James Tunney’s bio
0:13:29 A quote on an old Post-It note sets the tone
0:15:14 An attempt at a « traditional first question »
0:18:39 James’ commitment to mysticism: a spiritual revolution is needed
0:28:04 Drawing the line on the technology spectrum
0:44:51 Expanding on posthumanism…
0:59:16 … and Prometheanism
1:01:46 Dominic… DEE?
1:05:04 James’ views on Perennialism
1:15:29 Dominic rambles incoherently about being a recovering non-dualist
1:19:45 James patiently responds to Dominic’s ramblings
1:31:14 Incarnating the Light and finding one’s voice
1:43:34 Winding down
1:47:14 Ending statement and goodbyes